
2 tablespoons white vinegar 
1 teaspoon Baking soda or Borax 
10 drops Eucalyptus, Lemon, or Lavender 
Combine in spray bottle and fill with hot, distilled water. Shake vigorously until the Baking soda or Borax is dissolved completely. 

floor cleaner

1/4 cup white vinegar 
1 bucket of hot, distilled water 
5–10 drops of Lemon, Melaleuca, or Purification essential oil 
Combine in bucket and mop away! 

outdoor spray

2 tablespoons white vinegar 
1 teaspoon Baking soda or Borax 
10 drops Eucalyptus, Lemon, or Lavender 
Combine in spray bottle and fill with hot, distilled water. Shake vigorously until the Baking soda or Borax is dissolved completely. 

air freshener

12 drops Lavender, Lemon, or Eucalyptus (or combination) 
1 quart distilled water 
Shake well and put into a spray bottle. Shake again before using

window cleaner

1 cup white vinegar 
3 cups distilled water 
10-15 drops Lemon essential oil 
Mix ingredients in a spray bottle and clean! 

stain remover

Use a drop or two of Lemon essential oil on stains. 
Let stand and rub off with a clean cloth or throw into laundry. 
or A dab of Thieves Household Cleaner. 
Put a dab of the concentrate on the stain, rub in, let it sit for a minute, and then launder. 

clothes feshener

Add 10 drops Lavender, Lemon, or Melaleuca to a dampened washcloth. 
Toss the dampened washcloth into the dryer to impart a lovely fragrance on the clothes. 

refrigerator recipe

Refrigerator Cleaner 
2 tablespoons baking soda 
1 quart warm water 
5 drops Lemon or Thyme essential oil 
Mix and wipe all surfaces. 
For stubborn spots, make a baking soda paste: 
¼ cup baking soda 
1 teaspoon vinegar 
5-6 drops Thyme or Lemon essential oil 
Combine and apply the paste. Scrub with a clean soft cloth and make sure to rinse well with water when done. This works well on other enamel-finished kitchen appliances also.

pots & pans

Combine the following in a bottle: 
1 cup liquid castile soap 
3 tablespoons water 
20 drops Lemon, Purification, or Citrus Fresh essential oil - Mix well. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of the mixture to your dishwater or Use the Thieves Foaming Hand Soap

furniture polish

1 teaspoon olive oil 
1 teaspoon water 
2 to 3 drops Lemon essential oil 
Mix together well and apply with a soft cleaning cloth. This should be made fresh each time used. 

hot tubs

Add 3 drops per person of Lavender, Cinnamon, Clove, Eucalyptus, Thyme, Lemon, or Grapefruit to water. This will disinfect and freshen the water. Use the Thieves Household Cleaner to wipe down before winter storage and before refilling the water. Soak filters in 15 drops Thieves oil and enough water to cover for three hours. Replace filters, refill with water and add 6 drops geranium oil.


Add several drops Rosemary, Thyme, Pine, or Lavender to a spray bottle with distilled water. 
This water can be used to splash onto hot sauna stones and spray surfaces 
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